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June 2020

Workforce Development Zoom Meeting
The June Workforce Development committee meeting will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, June 3, at 8:00 AM. We will be discussing the FloridaMakes Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship Program, a statewide registered apprenticeship program sponsored by FloridaMakes.

When: Wednesday, June 3 – 8:00AM
Spotlight Speaker:Tina Berger, Director, Manufacturing Talent Development/Executive Director, Adv. Manufacturing Workforce Leadership Council, FloridaMakes
Discussion Topic: FloridaMakes Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship Program
RSVP to for log-in details.

Legislative Update – Government Relations/EHS Joint Zoom Meeting
The June Government Relations and Environmental Health & Safety committee meetings will be on Tuesday, June 9, at 12:00PM via Zoom.

When: Tuesday, June 9, at 12:00PM
Speakers: Legislative Update with State Representatives Clay Yarborough and Cord Byrd
RSVP to for log-in details.

Continuous Improvement / Lean Thinking Webinar: How To Accelerate Your Recovery From COVID-19

Continous Improvement – June 2020

Moderator: Mike Templeton for FCMA
Presenters: Jerry Bussell, Chairman and James Bussell, Executive Director, Jacksonville Lean Consortium
When: Thursday, June 11, 2020, 7:30 – 9:30 AM
Webinar via Zoom. RSVP to for log-in information.


  • How to accelerate your recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Communicating concepts and substantial value that the continuous improvement/lean thinking journey can have on your business.
  • Understanding the challenges of leading and sustaining a continuous improvement/lean thinking program.
  • Looking ahead—how can FCMA and the Lean Consortium help your business going forward?

Target Participants:

  • Decision makers (executives/VP’s/Directors/Plant Managers/Managers) and continuous improvement/lean thinking experts
Webinar Content:
  • The value of initiating and sustaining the continuous improvement/lean thinking journey.
  • The challenge of leading a continuous improvement/lean thinking initiative—leadership commitment for the long-term.
  • Basic introduction to the world of continuous improvement/lean thinking–overview of concepts, methodologies and tools.
  • Examples of continuous improvement/lean thinking programs and training available now and in the future.
  • Program budgeting recommendations.
  • Announcing a proposed program for fall 2020.
  • Soliciting feedback, suggestions, needs and interests from participants

Managing Anxiety along the Journey to a Post-Covid-19 World

Managing Anxiety Webinar – June 2020

Over the past several months, every single one of us has seen their life, in some fashion or another, disrupted, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. How can we take a moment to protect ourselves from the psychological trauma that often follows disasters and extreme emergencies?

Presenter: Dr. David Chesire – Director of the Center for Healthy Minds and
Practice (CHaMP) and associate professor of surgery at the University of
Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville
When: Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Free Webinar Info: Webinar via Zoom

Join us as Dr. David Chesire shares how to manage our own anxiety, as well as our staffs’, as we deal with the effects of Covid-19. Please forward any questions you have for Dr. Chesire to

RSVP for Zoom login info to

2020 Tee Off for Tuition – 29th Annual FCMA Golf Tournament

Friday, June 19 at St. Johns Golf & Country Club

With our commitment to workforce education, FCMA strongly supports:

  • Assisting students of UNF’s Science & Engineering Program and other approved regional technical institutes offering manufacturing/logistics certification/prep curriculum
  • Enticing tomorrow’s workforce through visits to local high schools sharing skills needed for future manufacturers

Our annual golf tournament raises money to support students seeking a future in manufacturing industry – Help us to encourage students!

How Can I Help?

  • Sponsor the event
  • Donation of 175 Goody Bag Items
  • Door Prize and Silent Auction Donations

Sponsorships are available starting at $350, ranging from hole sponsorship to a signature sponsor. Each sponsorship includes onsite signage as well as your company name on our website, social media and monthly Voice newsletter, among other benefits. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for 2020, please email Maria Corby at as soon as possible.

2020 Sponsorships

Breakfast: Florida Power & Light, Weather Engineers

Lunch: Jo-Kell, Weather Engineers

2020 Golf Registration Form

Zoom General Meeting with Virtual Tour of Pine Castle
Join us for our Virtual General Meeting on June 29, at 3:30PM! At the meeting we will have a virtual tour of Pine Castle. Pine Castle, Inc., is a community-supported organization dedicated to the general welfare of developmentally disabled adults, creating opportunity for productive, fulfilling lives for its participants through work programs and job placement in the community.

When: Monday, June 29, 3:30 – 4:30 PM
RSVP to for log-in details.